Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Leaders of the New School - Chester French

I feel a sense of ownership when I discover new music. My sodium levels rise when other people gush with glee about a new artist AFTER I've tried to put them on to said music. With that, I first heard this band when I attended the greatest concert of my life*. This unsuspecting white guy walked onto stage, DOLO. No band. No back-up. When he reached the front of the stage he threw up the Star Trak sign in one swift motion and immediately received the same greeting from the crowd. From that moment until the end of their brief, yet entertaining set, he held the crowd's attention. "He" is D.A. & with Max they are collectively known as, Chester French. Outkast + The Beatles + Asher Roth = Chester French. Until recently, there were only a handful of songs available from the band. Then came the mixtape, Jacques Jam Vol 1. -Endurance, which essentially documents their journey from college until now. It has a dizzying list of guest appearances and boasts great music to match. With groups like this we have no choice but to "Love The Future", which coincidentally is the name of the forthcoming album. Here are the two songs that got me hooked and my new favorite. Although, the whole tape is on point. You need that.

*- N*E*R*D/Common - Seeing The Invincible Sounds of Summer Tour was 10/08/08. When it was over, my body felt like a sweaty palm & I needed sleep and an electrolyte replacement beverage. Pharrell worked us all out. Pause. [and might I add, no homo]

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