Thursday, February 19, 2009

Self-Help for the Sensible Woman to the Scallywag, Vol. I -Participation

Let me begin by saying, I don't consider myself a relationship expert by any means. However, I am quite intriuged with the male/female dynamic and my observations are usually spot on. I'm starting this series to spark open dialogue between the sexes and to give the sensible woman something to think about and to provide the scallywag with some hope. Expect contributions from my friend, The Artist, b/c great minds think alike...I digress.

It's not that men don't enjoy spending "Quality Time" with a woman, but what it truly boils down to is, what activities does she classify as said "QT"? All men can testify that they have been dragged to the mall with a woman and forced to answer some of the most asinine questions. Ex.

"How do you like this color?" -Woman
"It's straight. What's that, pink? -Man
"No. It's salmon." -Woman

"How do I look in this?" -Woman
"You look great! It's fits you perfectly" - Man
"Eh, I dont know. I feel fat. Do I look fat in this?" -Woman


See, The Presidnet feels me. First, God only provided men with the ability to see the colors ROY G BIV. Second, even though women know the answer to their own question before they ask us, we still PARTICIPATE. Men act as the mute sounding board for a woman's thoughts. Brethren, half the time your answer doesn't even matter. She just doesn't want to feel like she's talking to herself. We do it b/c we care though...or possibly for the cakes, either way it comes from a good place. The disconnect comes when its time to do what WE want to do. Dun, dun, dun... Ex.

*searching guide*"The game's on. Yessir"-Man
* aggravated grunt* "No! My show is on." -Woman
*supressing snide remark* "What show would that be?" -Man
*smirking* "Top Model (or Project Runway, etc. etc. etc.) -Woman

"You want a beer?" -Man
"Eww. I dont drink that. " -Woman
"What do you want?" -Man
Do you have any wine?" -Woman

[Aside: If your knowledge of wine only goes as far as knowing if it's "White or Red", STFU and drink the damn beer. ]


Do yourself a favor and don't be close minded. Nothing is more unattactive than a woman who doesn't like something she has never tried. It would be in your best interest to PARTICIPATE when a man asks you to do something. Because if you dont, someone else will.

"You tryna hop on these sticks and play (insert video game title)? -Man
"Sure! How do I play?" -Woman

"You want a beer while I'm up?" -Man
"Yes. Thank you" -Woman

"You want some of these wings?" -Man
"You got ranch?-Woman

"You tryna watch this game? -Man
"Yep! But we have to flip back and forth b/t the pro & college game" -Woman

It's to cool to want to dress like Sarah Jessica and live like Princess Diana (c) Drake, but be a man's homie in addition to being his chick and I PROMISE he'll appreciate it. All we want is a little PARTICIPATION. I mean, isn't it you women that always say, " it's the little things that matter"?


Anonymous said...

Church, preach, and tabernacle! You have penned excellence my boy, raw genius for the wimmens to follow lol

-The Arteest

charley said...

I don't know if I can wholeheartedly agree. I MUST accompany my girl to the mall. The last thing I need for her to ask AFTER she's purchased the dress is, "Does this make me look fat"? Why? Because I have to tell her the truth...I mean what kind of man would I be (c) Mint Condition. Besides, she can read the you look fat look on my face...

So the next time she says, "Boobie, let's go to the mall," I'm going. I don't want to ruin a good night. I'm trying to finish dinner with dessert in mind -- CHOCOLATE CAKES & CHERRY PIES!!

Wordsmith said...

Charley, I would definitely suggest you accompany wifey to the mall. My commentary was referring to what we are subjected to once in said mall. But please believe, I'm going as well. I gotta make sure the dress she likes DOES fit in addition to NOT showing all her goodies.

Kat Jacks said...
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Kat Jacks said...

I will be the first woman to post on this here commentary.

I definitely agree, however, I think first guys need to figure out what it is they want from this woman, for that will effect your entire approach. "Keep the end in site."

In alot of cases its the guy that is trying to persue the woman. And in that case you need to do what SHE wants to do, or what YOU want (most likely the cakes) won't be obtained. If in fact all you want is the cakes, you will get what you want and she will get what she wants by an occasional meal, movie, face-time...etc. However, if you want more or you want to wife this chic than sometimes women (just like men) need to be trained. Seeing that everyone is used to getting what they want (some more than others) an underlined agreement needs to be delineated, discussed and determined.

On another side of the logic - I understand sometimes women put the P on a pedestal (c) random comedians and for some that is done rightfully so. However, women should definitely take heed because, men these days, are catching on and aren't putting up with a B just because she feels she's "worth" it....

Lastly, I think the rationale behind all of this is based on assumptions and expectations. Typically a guy assumes/expects that if he does this thing he's gonna get the cakes or whatever he had in mind. Women on the other hand assume/expect that the guy is going to oblige to her demands/wants/needs because, she knows that's what he is expecting out of it. Women dangle that P-carrot like no other.... and in the end its a win win.
