Wednesday, February 25, 2009


getting out my dreams /naw / there's some constipation / I need some metamucil / here's the current sum of my situation/ me + dreams UNfulfilled = frustration / I want the type of career / where I need minimal vacation / because everday would be stimulation/ Range truck / scrooge mcduck bucks / life, for me, would all but suck / I'm close to the edge tho / because this cube life is not what's up / I'm my own worst critic / Ebert could do no better / I want more for myself / I want to be the 7th letter / But I have to dumb it down / What a fiasco it is / It's hard to stop the flow / of these creative juices / My mind's salivating / it's hungry, pass me a fork and knife/ On occasion I feel dead like Bernie / like they've Madoff with my life / But I snap back to reality / I shake off the doubt / and tell myself "I'm young, you have plenty of time to see what life is about" / I'm walking on cobble stone / yearning for the pavement / UNrealized growth potential / trying to cultivate it like slaves did / Maybe it's ok I'm near the edge / because I know these wings work / I just haven't tried them / I'm calculating mostly, occasionally knee-jerk /It's time to lean forward/ say "fuck it" and fly / leave the comfort of the nest / and take my place among the stars in the sky/ I'm not asking for much /just happiness & health/ the wealth to do it BIG / 1 wife & 2 kids / but first I have to leap / like success is within reach / then maximize my wing span/ and do the damn thing....

1 comment:

OB said...

just say fuck it!

and the trouble is if you don't risk EVERYTHING you wont gain ANYTHING...

Sometimes those little steps just wont do, have confidence in you and take a jump.

great post,