Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Funny - Back in Day...

Childhood is truly a remarkable part of life. The innocence [or ignorance] of your impressionable mind is tainted everytime you are met with one of life's undeniable truths. It's like a drop of die in a glass of water, it only takes ONE drop to ruin it. Wait...that's kind of depressing but it was profound...I digress (I'm obviously feeling myself). I said all that to say, remember the days when your parents shielded you from the truth? When certain words were spelled out in your presence in fear of you catching on? When Santa* brought gifts and the Stork brought babies? Well, our kids won't even get the comfort of a lil white lie about how Daddy " was not hurting mommy last night" or how great your their "art" is. Why? Well, it's not because of the internet or the fact that kids nowadays know entirely too much about sex...There's a new product on the market...

*My father told me from jump there was no Santa. No fat white man was gettin credit for the gifts he broke bread on. I was made to keep this information from my other cousins who believed in that ho ho ho ass nigga, St. Nick

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